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B aware of the risks.
Keep doing the things you love.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Talk to your healthcare provider about Meningitis B to learn how to protect yourself so you can keep doing your thing.

What is MenB?

Meningococcal group B disease (often known as Meningitis B or MenB) is the most common and deadly strain of Meningitis. MenB bacteria can quickly travel through the bloodstream and attack the brain, harming healthy people with little notice. Once infected, it’s a race against time to begin treatment and start antibiotics. Most of those at risk of contracting MenB have NOT been immunized against this lethal disease¹ due to limited vaccine coverage in most provinces.

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10% can die within 24-48 hours.¹

Up to 1 in 10 cases of MenB can be fatal, frequently within 24-48 hours after the first signs of infection.

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1 in 5 can suffer long-term disability.¹

Up to 1 in 5 people who contract MenB can experience hearing loss, neurological disorders, or limb loss.

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Post-secondary students are 5 TIMES more likely to contract Meningitis B.²

MenB spreads through saliva and spit. Sharing utensils, kissing, being sneezed or coughed on, living in crowded areas, or attending a University sports event are all risks.

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Meningitis B symptoms manifest rapidly and are often misdiagnosed as the flu.¹

Early signs of MenB symptoms include a severe headache, a high fever, tiredness, and neck discomfort.

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Doing the things you love can lead to contracting Meningitis B.

Everyday behaviours can increase one’s risk of contracting MenB. Recognizing the danger and being aware of the warning signs and symptoms is critical.¹

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10% can die within 24-48 hours.¹

Up to 1 in 10 cases of MenB can be fatal, frequently within 24-48 hours after the first signs of infection.

Share your thing.

We all have our thing. You know… the thing that inspires, excites, and interests you most? THAT THING. Well, when you’re protected from Meningitis B, you get to keep doing the things you love.

So, share what makes YOU unique for a chance to be selected and featured on our social media platforms. 

Together we can increase Meningitis B awareness and educate others.

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90% of those who contract bacterial Meningitis can die if left untreated.³

MenB can be fatal in a matter of hours, and survivors can face serious consequences.

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1 in 10 are carriers of Meningitis B without knowing it.

Up to 10% of the population carries MenB bacteria in their upper respiratory tract, but it doesn’t make them ill. It can lead to Meningitis when passed on to another person.

Talk to your healthcare provider about Meningitis B
to learn how to protect yourself so you can keep doing the things you love.

The Story That Inspired It All

Kai Matthews

Kai Matthews had an all-in spirit and a diverse set of interests. While soccer and snowboarding were two of the many things that shaped his life, he also enjoyed spending time with friends who had their own unique passions. Kai was all about celebrating the people around him for the things that made them who they were. Despite being just 19 years old and in good health, Meningitis B took his life in less than 30 hours. Although Kai can no longer do the things he loved most in this world, you still can. Talk to your healthcare provider about Meningitis B so you can keep doing what you love.

Do you have a MenB story to share?

Sharing your experience can help us raise awareness, educate youths, and protect the vulnerable!

*Terms and conditions for sharing your MenB Story available here.